Monday, November 27, 2006

before I go crazy

I went to books a million and got me a book that is on my TBR list.
I needed a book that I could get into. OH WOW, I didn't tell you about the book I was reading.

Roughly, It was about a guy that died and turned into a ghost and about a girl that was like a medium, who could talk to dead people.
That to me, didn't click *interesting* to me at all. DIFFERENT, yes.
Ghost and Medium. hmm. Sounds cool, but it dragged.

So I got the Duke by Gaelen Foley. From the looks of the lil family tree in the front this is gonna be one heck of a book.
Usually (like in Sabrina's prince series) it is about a man's by blows. His bastard sons. Well in this book, the duke, it is about (i think) a duchess's bastards from her lovers.

She had THREE lovers. Four men including her husband. She was one women. She didn't waste NO time. She was named the "Hawkscliffe Harlot."
I don't know if this is a true story or not, or something driving from the truth, but it has a Shakespearian actor as one of her lovers????
I grabbed this book and read a page of it while eating a ultra fudge chocolate espresso brownie.
I was tired so I wanted something really sweet and powerful to wake me up. Yes, it certainly woke me up, LMAO. I started shaking, I guess from not doing something to exert all the energy, LOL. That was a HUGE brownie, and it tasted SOO good. It was like a big block of coffee tasting chocolate. DIVINE!

..back to the title of this entry. You know, if you don't have a book worth reading you go bonkers.
I can feel the "bonking" coming so before it takes a hold of me, I got myself a book.

I also registered for classes. This is what I am (so far) taking.

Women's Lit.
American Government HONORS.
General PSY.
College Alg.

I am trying to find another class because I want an eight o'clock hour class. So far I don't, obviously, and till then its only four classes. To me, that isn't going anywhere.
Only problem, there isn't a lot of 8 o'clock classes and most of them, do not pertain to me.

Got this from Mailyn. Awesome quiz.

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Literate Good Citizen

Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm

Fad Reader

Book Snob


Love the answers. I wish everyone could read like its their water and bread. We would be soo peaceful.
Happy Monday.

6 people stopped by

Blogger Mailyn said:

I don't have The Duke simnce it's not my cup of tea but I did LOOOOVE Lord of Fire. Vera cool book! What's that book called? The one with the ghost? Sounds different.

6:39 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Mailyn said:

P.S. What's the latest with Roberto? I've been out sick. I need the scoop!

6:43 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Keish said:

Spirited Away is the name of it.

Roberto, ugh. He's long gone.
Away with the wind. He's with the leaves in the wind...


Lord of Fire is in the series with the duke.

7:59 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Rowena said:

What about Stephen? Okay look at me being all nosy. haha...

So you're a dedicated reader? Me too. I've never read anything by Gaelen Foley, hmm...I'll have to add this series to my list, what's the name of the first book, or a book list would be great, pretty please?


5:18 PM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Mailyn said:

What?!?! When did Roberto leave??? I need the scoop on this as well. LOL.

Wait...Spirited Away...I think I've seen that anime. I forget what it was all about but I don't remember a ghost. I am all sorts of confused. LOL.

6:52 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Keish said:

He didn't leave. He left my...mind.
He is still there.
Just..away. From me. I lost interest basicly.

Dylan, the book is SO good so far. OMG.
It is so very intersting.
I guess you can keep checking here for the next in the series. I know I will be reading them all.
Once I start I won't stop till I hit the end. So.

Mailyn..anime? I dunno if it intergrated into an anime.
Would be cool. Knock out the book and click on the tv. LOL

5:06 PM, November 29, 2006  

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