Tuesday, August 28, 2007


ok. finally. new template is up.
All my links and whatnot on the side is coming later.
I shall do that someday & somewhere over the rainbow.

i want to thank, xxchange for the photographs.
LOVELY pictures.

the patterns are from kaliber 100000. This is THE place for patterned bgs.

Everything else is from me.
Nothing much to the template. Its not all colorful.
But anywayyy.

during my MIA, I of course read, and I have read very bad books.
One where the couple couldn't DO anything coz the guy had leprosy (but then it miraculously vanished in one night)
Another where it was boring long paced yadda yadda shit. Avon crap.

But there was very good books. Like the Smoke Thief and the Dream Thief by Shana Abe.
OMG those were awesome books! I can't wait for Queen of the Dragons!

I read a few Sylvia Day books (Ellora & Passion for the game) and I cannot wait for Passion for Him.

And of course I read the HP book. And that was a good book.
(About a month later I clarified myself with wikipedia LOL, I was so confused!)

Right now I am reading Almost a Bride by Jane Feather. Its..eh, alright.
Nothing dazzling. If it was really good I would have been done with it already.

I shall review some books soon, including Almost a Bride, if I finish it.
talk to ya'll lata!


ps: everyone is doing it...

coz i had a tad bit of curse words. im a rebel.

2 people stopped by

Blogger Rowena said:

hey girly, long time no blog chat...haha...=)

LOVE the new template, good to see you around this mug, I'm linking you again cause for a while your link was set to private...glad to see you back! =)


6:21 PM, September 06, 2007  
Blogger Rowena said:

Oh and I'm totally NC-17 too! WE ROCK SOCKS!!!

6:22 PM, September 06, 2007  

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