There is the name, and there is the author of the book. The heroine is a girl named Arabella and the hero is Jack, Duke of St. Jules. The story starts off with Jack and Frederick Lacey, Earl of Dunston gambling. Gambling to where it is now just the two of them against each other. Lacey, as he is referred in the book numerous times, has bet everything he ownes, so that Jack will accept it, otherwise Lacey will lose (i guess..i duno how the gamble works. JFeather didn't conveniently elaborate) Jack accepts the bet and wins leaving Lacey stone broke. Devestated Lacey walks out to a palor and shoot his brains out. And while the whole thing is happening, the sound of the bang, the rush of people to the palor, Jack is shuffling cards. Like he was OK with the suicide. Jack says, "He made the decisions, my dear, not I. He chose his own risks."
Very crude that, huh?
Anyway, since Jack received everything, I mean everything, he is now the guardian of Lacey's sister, Arabella.
Yeah, the plot thickens..
Arabella used to doing things her way. Period. She is always outside in garden's fussing with her orchids and whatnot when Jack comes strolling in. He explains the situation..
Your brother is dead.
Your brother killed himself.
He gave me everything. Including you.
AND I shall live here...with you in it.
It seemed to me that he was like he was out to ruin her. Come to find out that Jack had a sister named Charlotte who married a French aristocrat and resides in France, during the Terror.
You know the Terror in which people where being executed with the guillotine. Lacey was in France earlier, so was Jack. And Jack was living or visiting with his sister during this Terror. They were hiding out from the
securite so they wouldn't be excuted. Lacey was caught and he ratted out the place where Charlotte & and her brother were living. Jack wasn't in the home, he was out doing his job reporting all the names of people who were EXTERMINATED. SOOOO Jack wanted revenge. Lacey got his sister killed, so ultimately I am out to get your sister. During the gambling, Jack wouldn't receive anything less than getting ownership of Arabella.
Of course its a romance novel so you might have guessed what happened. They fell in love.
They took forever. Years went by in the book. And it dragged. Arabella started talking to some French workers and found out that Charlotte might be alive. So Jack and Charlotte go to France and scheme their way into the city and the jail to her. They find her and she is really sick. She dies on the boat back home. This book was about Charlotte. It was really annoying. Jack and Arabella even named their child, Charles, in remembrance of Charlotte! I didn't know this author. I went to Books a Million to grab the new Sylvia Day book, Passion for the Game which was wonderful, and I knew I would be finished with that book in a spiff. I grabed this JFeather book to have something when I was done. Waste of fucking 8 dollar something. Shit. It took me weeks to finish this book. Thats BAD. The longest I took on a romance book, before this was like four days.
grade: D
So now, I am reading a veryyyy mushy Avon book by Catherine Anderson, Sweet Nothings.
I love one of her books, which is one of my favs, but this one is like..violen background music romance. The girl is a basket case, even though Catherine is trying not to make her that way, but she acts
weird! I am almost done with that book, so maybe tomorrow you'll see a new review for that.
uh, thats all folks. Have a great rest of your weekend!!